‘The first thing we did was remove the invasive alien plants…’

The Comrades corner is the western entrance point into the Cowies Hill Estate.  A comprehensive invasive alien plant (IAP)removal and control sweep was carried out over the full width of the North verge up to the junction with Kloof View Road (about 400m in length).  This is a healthy belt of wonderful indigenous bush and forest along the residential boundaries. In some places this belt of bush is 30m deep.

An IAP removal and control sweep was also carried out along the South verge working west to east from the pavement down to the residential boundaries and thereafter 20 to 30m deep. More than 60% of the area was extremely heavily infested with mature undesirable plants including Tithonia diversifolia (Mexican sunflower), Montanoa hibiscifolia (Montanoa) and Cromolaena odorata (Triffid weed).

 Herbicide application at the Comrades Corner included foliar spray 150L Garlon/Actipron mix, 85L Glyphosate and applied 12L Garlon/Diesel mix as a basal stem application. About 12 gum trees were treated to die in situ.

 The IAP team also removed about 27 filled-to-capacity black refuse bags of litter were disposed of and 4 sacks of glass and cans which were recycled.



Avon Place


MacDonald Road